A series of writing conveying the animating archetype of Little Star
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A Story Begins To Be Told
Rebirth ・ Emergence ・ Evolution
Rebirth ・ Emergence ・ Evolution
The expression of Little Star that has shone most brightly to give forth in this year, rather than a musical piece, has been the telling of her story.
To speak the core of who she is, so that this presence may weave through the foundation of this project, and be known by those who are touched by her music.
So that all that is yet to come through her, shall be known as coming from this source.
Through the seasons of this year, I have been developing a series of writing, telling the story of Little Star in a way that feels meaningful to share with you all.
This project gave me the opportunity to fulfill an offering I’ve been wanting to conjure for some time~ sharing a Creation Myth of Little Star, which conveys the archetypes, functions, and symbolic forms that I feel contained in her.
The animating spark within Little Star is a force and presence which I feel as the nature of my own continuous spirit, and as a universal form within each life here.
This is the central source that this music extends from and sings to, and that I hope to offer through my work in this lifetime.
I have created with and spun song from this muse since the beginning of this musical project, though I have yet to formally convey its quality and story of origin to my listeners, and I’ve felt it important to do so to allow the life of this project to express in its fullness.
I have also wanted to begin to give voice to the parallel path of dedicating my life to living from this core presence- the way I have tangibly translated these knowings to my earthwalk in making choice, choosing course, and enacting these central ideals to uncover an experience of life true to this nature, though immersed in a cultural world-story of the contrary. To ultimately contribute to the creation of a collective environment which arises from a truth of nature, allows the thriving of all life, and creates systems of living that are vital, supportive, and nourishing for all around and to come behind us upon this earth.
I am excited to begin to share in this piece the story of my coming concept album and the arc of concepts composing it that have ignited and inspired every aspect of my life through the past several years.
I share the current and coming projects I am developing, and ways I would love to collaborate with you to support their fruition. I share the inquiries I am holding in modeling career, relation to the muse, and interfacing work with listeners, in a way that embodies these core values within Little Star.
I share the themes that I feel surfacing through the music at this time, and the overarching vision I am receiving / walking forth as I embody this evolution of Little Star music.
Writing is a medium which I am feeling as an integral mode of expression within me in parallel to the music, and I am very excited to begin to share more of the worlds, philosophy, and world-vision contained within this musical project with you in this way.
The writing and editing, and multiple incarnations of this piece has been a labor of love, but an inspired, ignited, and valuable growth and initiation process. I am very excited to share this piece- these visions with you!
Image by Kari Champoux
Little Star
Creation Myth
~ Intro ~
Creation Myth
~ Intro ~
Little Star is a living presence who has existed at the core of this project since it’s beginning, though through time, she has continued to reveal her layers of depth, presence, and meaning to me.
Beyond existing as a musical project, I relate to this entity as the indwelling nature of my continuous spirit. The presiding presence of my innermost self.
She comprises a central core which illumines my sense of knowing, perception, and ideology.
Though the identity that I feel in her, and the symbolism that she holds, I feel as universal to all of humankind, a common seed, a spark- an archetypal form within each life here.
Though I have felt this muse as the force beneath this musical project since its inception, I have yet to formally introduce the way I experience and perceive its nature to my listeners, and I’ve felt it important to do so to allow this project to express in it’s depth and wholeness.
So, I felt called to begin this piece by writing a Creation Myth which illuminates the archetypes, spaces, and universal functions which I feel revealed through the animating spirit of Little Star.
To speak to this entity, this archetypal presence, the source of this project,
to share Little Star’s Creation Myth, would be offered something like this~
The Night Mother ~ The Womb of All Being
Through the currents, the waves, the field of sound, we are carried to the space of source of our own being.
We come into the expanse of all that is, the space of formlessness, timelessness, through which our spirits move unbounded,
in the continuous form they know before this life, after death, and all between.
We arise within the womb of all being,
the expanse of that which is continuously alive, beneath all that is.
We are enveloped by the grace, stillness, and majesty, the power and wonder
that this field holds.
The presiding presence of this womb of all being is the Night Mother.
Her cloak, her arms, her essence, compose the container of this realm.
She is the velvet fabric of the depths of night,
the shimmering lining of the field beneath all that is,
and the spirit behind all that will be.
She is the void- formless, yet composed of spirit entire,
filled with,
Within her, we are returned to a space of origin, the landscape of our being before form and time,
and the knowing which it holds there.
We are returned to the primordial ocean of all being, the entirety of the cosmos,
the fluid field in which our spirits exist in a bioluminescence,
as they move in currents of the stirring of dreams, the stirring of souls yet to live, life to be lived,
coalescing in the patterns of their own signature, leaving illumined imprints upon the clear waters of being and the deep oceans of becoming,
as they move across its surface.
Through these depths, the breath beneath all rises,
the animating force behind all that becomes, all that has come to be-
Imbuing the mystery of fertility into the deep grounds of becoming,
the soils of creation’s alchemy, where impulse of spirit, wave form, and envisioned life
are given passage of materialization into manifest form,
As each spirit is coalesced into the spark of a star, a glowing flame,
and seeded within this lining, this canvas of creation,
to come alive
and extend forth
in expressed form
The Spark of Life ~ The Light Child
The Spark of Life ~ The Light Child
This spark of life, seed of spirit, given passage to express forth within the world of form,
is the presence of the Light Child.
The Light Child knows this spark, this flame to be her (his, their) original form,
and knows the expanse of all being, this space of source
to be the home and all-pervading realm from which she has come.
She walks directly forth from this knowing, to live out the expression of her seed within,
to unfold its fullness, and offer this essence forth to the world.
She knows that all she holds to express within this lifetime
is contained within the template of her own seed,
that all expressions of her truest unfoldment exist already and simultaneously through time,
for she moves from the perception of all time and timelessness that the space of all being holds.
The Light Child knows the ways of deeper balance.
She walks with a knowing of the deeper currents which move through and beneath all,
and lives as vessel, so they may flow forth, into this garden.
She holds the flame within her, of soul’s illumination, and carries it forth.
The spirit of the infinite, she is a beacon for in this physical realm.
Moving in a directness and an illumination of this intrinsic source,
She is the vision of Life, seeded within the world of form,
To live upon the earth, unfurling in her truth,
Giving rise to the garden
within which we are seeded.
The imagery and symbolism of The Womb of All Being / The Night Mother, and The Spark or Seed of Life / The Light Child, are components to the way I experience my own spirit’s continuous nature and the spark of its numinous flame.
Through these symbols, guises, functions, shines silently, something that lives beneath what written word can convey, but is a presence, which all art of human creation points to~ the wonder of the living spirit.
The Night Mother, is the place of source, original, all encompassing medium of all-being,
and the Light Child, is the impulse of that spirit to come alive in expression in the world of physical form.
Together, in their distilled, gleaming essence, they create what I feel as the spark of our being. The source within, from where we have come, and from where we shall always truly live.
The perspective that looks out over all this life from a place always within, beneath the veil of time and form.
It is this spark, that Little Star is to me.
The Immaculate soul.
That is not ‘high self,’ separate ideal,
but that is our pervading nature.
continued in the next chapter~
‘The Birth of Little Star ⋄
Through the Eyes of the Seed’