~ Invitation into being ~
As we’ve moved through this time, I have felt an opportunity to open deeper and deeper into a way of living that arises from b e i n g I have felt myself relating to time as a sustained current~ as more of a continuum that is cyclically arising, and felt myself moving in a presence with the currents of creative inspiration, following what feels alive in this moment. I invite us to come into a place of presence ~ How may we move in to this time? As the systemic structures to which we are accustomed are given pause, we arrive within this moment, into our bodies and the earth, listening, as our lens of perception is shifted, given an opening. How may we allow ourselves to attune, to open to this way of being our bodies have long been distanced from ~ p r e s e n c e When our world is that which is directly within and around us, what can we create? What worlds would we like to create? What is available to us through the wellspring of our own creativity and this moment? How may we attune ourselves to the worlds revealed within the slow, the subtle, the deep, the movement within the stillness, the song within the quiet, the unfolding of the earth, leaf by leaf. How may we open to the depths that are right here, the true wellspring of creative life that presence gives to us. We are being given an opportunity to experience life in a way that centers from this moment, and extends into connection to that which is directly around us, our physical environment, our inner landscapes, the emerging spring, and the circulating waterways of creative life which run between them all Our bodies, our senses, and the earth synchronizing in a union, a convergence of current. As from an entirely open field, we are are brought into the stream of creativity in its natural life cycles, of impulse, seeding, gestation, birth, gift, release, decay, return, and opening again listening, through all of our senses, for what wants to come alive through this moment. Here, time becomes a continuum and we come again into play. Opening time from line and grid to circle as we breathe into this moment. . ~ Let the line collapse, let the sphere emerge ~ In this way, I see this time as a colliding of the spheres of what has been, and what can be. As the paradigm and embedded value system of - doing - is paused, we are given an experience of a way of life that arises from b e i n g We have lived most of our lifetime through the framework of a civilization that is built upon the linear and grid composed, accomplishment and performance oriented, doing-based valuation of a patriarchal ideology and in-animating model of life. One that defines itself by finite valuation, the commodification of our time and energy, and an unfeasible assumption of infinite linear growth. As the mechanisms of this system are paused and as they begin to become apparent in their disintegration- as their incapability to sustain life has become clear in our lifetime, the earth is giving to us a glimpse of another way of living. A way that extends from the organic, the tangible, the feminine and universal, connection, the circle, the cycle, and the whole. One that moves from presence, from listening, that meets this moment in a wholeness, following that-which-brings-alive, living within a current of inspiration, as a vessel for beauty to saturate our environment, acting to support the well being of the whole family of life. From the center point of this moment, extending into the sphere of that which is directly within and around us. . This may be the longest pause in the mechanisms of our society that we have experienced in our lifetime. We have lived out our lives within a system that values our very being, energy, and time, at a finite monetized value which is constantly and from the beginning indebted. As we release these economic paradigms for a moment, may we examine how they may be engrained in our very experience of ourselves. As this grid-structured and monetized sense of value softens, as we soften into presence, may we open our eyes in new ways to the wealth, richness, and circulating connectivity, that flows through and from the earth, our own beings, and between one another. May we perceive the resources of many forms that live directly around and within us- the forms of abundance and nourishment that are most real, and creatively explore how we can share in these things to support and uplift one another, to live through the means of what is truly valuable, to live in expression of our gifts and our true creative work. . As we are now invited to experience time, rather than moving upon an outlined schedule, from point to point of commitment, we arise within a circle, of our environment and the emanating point at our center, as time becomes a cyclically arising continuum of this present moment. Here, time is endowed with meaning, as we give ourselves to what is truly alive. It bestows to us jewels unimaginable and unforeseen, in a collaborative exchange. It opens, as we pour ourselves fully into the fruition of a process, rather than becoming thinned by exchanging our own life, being, time, and energy in continual movement in service to a system which we know cannot sustain life. Here, we come into a new dimension of experience of ourselves. Here, we are returned to our birthright of relationship to the web of life directly within and around us. We are allowed a cultivation of kinship to this moment, as we begin upon the path of knowing the subtle yet infinite workings of our own beings. We are invited into our inner landscapes and the true expanse that dwells there, to bring alive these worlds that live within. I invite us to come to this time from this inquiry~ as our dominant culture has been engrained in only the prior of these modes of being. How may these parameters of environment given us at this time shift our grounds of perception? - to experience these ways of being from the inside and examine what qualities we would like to sow forward within our society, as we begin the work of re-sewing a balance between these modes of being. As we begin to turn the soils around us and birth through ourselves the structure of a culture which lives a balance in these ways of being, to emancipate our own selves, and to allow the whole family of life to thrive upon this planet. . ~ What world do we want to create? ~ . As the worlds collide, what comes close, and what can no longer survive . From this place, we have an opportunity. What are we hearing from the earth? What are we hearing from nature as the mechanisms of our civilization take pause? From within this space, what do we see? What insight does this realm give us? What might we want to bring forward into the reweaving of a culture and a world? As we look out upon the skeletal structure of our culture and its dissolving systems, what do we know must be released, surrendered, and returned to the earth, allowed to die, to allow the health of our world? And what of a life-giving nature, may we seed into the systems which we live within? What may we carry forward from this way of being which the earth is presenting us now, and what central values would we like to sow into the transforming foundation of our society? What universal laws do we know we must pattern our ways of life around to allow the health, thriving and rebalancing of all of life upon our planet? How may this shift of perception extend into the physical to create a grounds which holds reverence for the whole, the thriving of life, and cyclical nature? What are the parameters we want to choose for the world we live in? With the presence of conscious choice as we re-enter or re-create, what would we like to agree to, and what would we like to release? What have we seen ourselves to be capable of as a human collective in the past months, in the act of collectively adjusting our ways in unification and consideration of the whole, and how might we like to apply that cognizance to the overarching conditions that are most affecting the whole of life on our planet at this time? This is an opportunity. This is in fact, the time that this is necessary. What do we each hold to contribute to the world we shall live in? What systems may we envision that could be supportive to life, nourishing to life, and sustaining of the whole? I would love to hear from you if these themes are mutually bringing rise to contemplation in you, and what visions have come through you in this time. What do you feel you hold to contribute to our recreating of a world? ·